A Human Return to the Office
In 2020, the transition to working from home was not a choice; it was a necessity, and a change that occurred nearly overnight, without warning, and that many experienced as significantly disruptive. The transition back to the office could also feel this way but does not have to. In fact, it can happen strategically and mindfully, setting leaders and teams up for success.
Employees have enjoyed the flexibility of working from home so much that one survey of 1,000 U.S. adults found 39% would consider quitting if their employers weren’t flexible about remote work moving forward.
Studies show a consistent list of concerns employees have about returning to the office, such as being nervous about health risks, being unsure how to navigate differing politics around masks ordinances, or having anxiety about being around people.
The stress-free way to go back to the office after COVID: Whether you’re returning to the office full time or just a few days per week, the disruption of daily routine can feel daunting. How can we heighten our focus and lessen our stress?
How to talk about Coronavirus - and other tough topics - at work: How do we make space for emotions during tough times, and keep things constructive? Try this 3-step process for communicating around uncomfortable topics at work.
Balance in 2021: The Pandemic has stretched well-being for many, and the return to office may compound uncertainty. Try these 4 tools to reduce stress, improve physical wellness, and commit to new positive changes.
Click to download and learn more.
What does it take to navigate a human return to work?
Navigate The People Piece of returning to work: Interactive virtual session where participants will learn approaches to navigate the feelings that come up from their teams during this uncertain times.
Lead and normalize change: Leaders who develop the mindsets and competencies to manage the transition back to the office can take strategic steps to create an environment for their teams to move through the change.
Focus on relationships before task: An opportunity to help employees connect with their peers and cultivate the relationships and trust that will support the organization’s success.
Take advantage of a fresh start: The return to the office presents leaders with the opportunity for a refresh or fresh start following a re-org, leadership transition, significant growth, or another change.
4 ways we can help your organization navigate a human return to work
Facilitated Sessions
Group Coaching
Digital Resources
Please contact us to learn how our consultants and facilitators can help your team and company incorporate more wellness, connectivity, humanity and effectiveness, throughout this transition and beyond.