Workshop 3: Strategic Time Management and Delegation

Workshop 3: Strategic Time Management and Delegation


When you became a manager, you probably noticed you’re no longer juggling a full plate, you’re managing a whole buffet! Let’s get real - you simply can’t do it all. Learn strategies for strategic prioritization, balancing responsibilities and focusing on what matters most. Learn how to delegate in a way that not only gets some things off your plate, it develops and supports the growth of the people on your team - a win-win!

Workshop: October 19, 2023
Practice Lab: October 26, 2023

Mastering Management

Mastering Management

Sale Price:$995.00 Original Price:$1,180.00
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Workshop 1: The 7 Keys to Exceptional People Management

Sale Price:$295.00 Original Price:$395.00
Mastering Management

Mastering Management

Workshop 3: Strategic Time Management and Delegation

Workshop 3: Strategic Time Management and Delegation
